Diablo 3 CD Key

Monday, February 6, 2012

je suis une âme solitaire


I wanna go but I can't leave her behind
"she has no one but me"
that's what i keep telling myself
to keep me alive.
for her sake?
No, for me. for my selfish soul
im the one who has no one,
No one but that lonely soul of love

But still I keep promising her I'l be better
better than she wants me to be
but it's a lie
I know whatever i do, how hard i try,
I always endup in that same place
Same lonely dark corner where this little boy counting his failures
there's more than he can count but he keeps counting
it's like he enjoying it..enjoying the tears, enjoying the blood

End is yet to come they say
then why do i feel, it already has
may be world better off without me
may be i never meant to be here
may be im dreaming
there's only one way to find that out
letting him take me away..
take me far away
how far?
far as no one can touch me, no feeling can hurt me

Yes, I should let him take me away..

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